The Valour of Sinners

Won’t it surprise us that the journey towards truth sometimes requires the intervention of sinners to unblock the walls often dreaded by saints? For instance, Christ had to be killed by sinners for all men to be saved. It is not the act per se that we should perceive as bad but the hardness of heart of the people who perform such acts. It is necessary that Christ dies anyway, and someone had to be bold enough to do the killing, otherwise we all remain in our captivity, as simple as that.

In our present journey to the Truth, I can perceive of some revolutions already taking place, such boldness that has hitherto ever been embarked upon, (like the naked girls in Charring Cross), that is indeed the liberty brought us by Christ, to restore us back from the Adamic sins and bring us to the freedom experienced at the beginning, for we were told, prior to the fall, Adam and Eve were naked but were not ashamed, such valour exercised by the naked girls of Charring Cross!

We Christians have been too cowardly; we are too scared to get hurt through the so called negative morality termed sin. If we are too scared to get to that stage as yet, we should at least realise our weakness, and praise the audacity of CC girls for having already reached a stage that perhaps would still take Christians ages to reach, for that is our destination: the simplicity of being naked and not being ashamed! We should be humble to acknowledge that we still lack much of what Truth is, full salvation comes only by complete liberation. We are still unclean; the true heroes are the CC girls.

Or when I see the trend towards women emancipation, I can perceive the reversal of God’s curse on the woman of Genesis, which is precisely what Christ has come to do : to deliver us from the curse of the law, for God cursed Eve: ‘and your desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee’. Now we talk about the right of women, and gender equality! Western ladies (especially the learned and the career ones) don’t really care whether they are married or not, or whether they have kids or not.

Or when I see the passion with which people bring to the workplace, the professionalism and the work life balance, I see, work has now become something of a hobby, people work for the joy of working, where then do we place the adamic curse which says that ‘curseth be the ground for man’s sake, and in sorrow shall he eat of it all the days of his life’?

So where do we place God? The scandal of all these is that God has been removed out of the picture! Like the Jews and Romans who did us a holy service of killing Jesus (and which is being re-enacted every day at every Masses), There is a giant leap towards the Truth being initiated by the westerners, they show us God but they themselves don’t realise it ! Like St Paul explaining to the Greek the logic behind the Unknown God, I see God in the west, but westerners are blind about the God they explicitly show, something we Christians are still as yet so cowardly to imitate, and we condemn! The real problem is not that of sin, but that of apostasy, the lack of faith, the general removal of God from the picture on the part of the west and that of moral condemnation on the part of Christians!

I see people work for the joy of working, but often at the cost of serving God, yet all these are necessary towards the journey to the Truth. I agree, for instance, like the naked girls of CC, who wanted to attract men by their nakedness we can say much of the acts is done with evil intentions, but who are we to presume, can we really judge? can we say that all these girls are really out to lay down with men , or does it have to do with our own lustful desires which we are as yet not ready to face?

And what about the professional women who ‘have no regard again for the marriage institution and family value’ and would rather be absorbed in their professions than loose their hard earned career in the guise of raising a family? I quite agree, there is quite a mixture of weeds and tares in all these and both Christians and Westerners have both an admixture of guilt in this. But that shouldn’t even discourage us because Christ promised the two to grow together anyway both weeds and tares), what exasperates me is one party accusing the other of being weeds and they being tare.

I really like to praise the valour of the west but I am distressed about the exodus of the neglect of God, you see, these people I explained above will save a lot of people through enlightenment, but I am afraid that they are going to loose themselves! This is the big sin; the actual sin is putting God out of the scope of human existence. Yet I am consoled in the fact that this is all part of God’s plan towards the journey to the Truth. As Christ was killed, I feel this blankness and emptiness of God in the west is a whole grand plan of bringing the whole world to a vivid experience towards Truth, just like the Jews did with Christ and the gentiles received enlightenment, this blankness I feel is necessary towards the remaining part of the word to attain to this justice, development and peace that I call Truth.

Wise Christians should start learning a great deal from the virtues accompanying these perceived vices. We keep celebrating Mass up till now and we don’t feel at all guilty about it. What if the Jews didn’t do it for us? Now we have a real act that sustains the universe.

Whodunit? Someone has got to ‘bell the cat’, and that is precisely what the ‘worldly’ are doing for us towards attainment of Truth, what courage, what valour on their part! They are our real rescuers, the only grouse I have with them is that they should not do so at their own peril. They should manage to see God in all these. Romans and Jews did it first, the West is re-enacting the act for our salvation. O happy fault, o necessary sin of Adam!

ARC (awareness, relationship, career)
ARC, because we are passionate about living!
This is an avenue to impact on lives, solely by living.
ARC is a group where people express their views, practice their beliefs, where deep and meaningful relationships are built and love is fostered, where guilt and pangs are freely expressed and solved, where constructive ambitions are encouraged, where knowledge and skills are promoted, where excellence in all phases of life are inspired.
ARC is all about playing, reading, studying, acting, catching fun, partying, competing, relating, being passionate and being creative. ARC is about putting a bit of life into the world and dropping much of its hypocrisy.