Taming our Ills

We are our greatest enemies and we have to work on being the best version of ourselves. To repair any ill of ours, it is necessary to engage the root cause of that ill, and the starting point is ourselves. We do really need to temper our passions and inactions of sloth, gluttony, avarice and anger, and to watch the disorderliness of our thougths regarding envy, pride and lust.

Experience shows that ills cannot be broken of our own accord. Even if we can, extreme taming of ills can work to our disanvantage and the last state may become worse than the former. Virtue lies in the middle, and to keep this median, we need help. We need a communication which is at thesame time spiritual, biological and intellectual. The most effective communiaction we can have is that which is both an intellectual, a biological and a spiritual one. 

An intellectual communication  with a greater intellect allows the utilisation of the virtues of prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice to balance the aforementioned vices. A frequent and positive commuinication breaks personal, communal and societal ills, which exist not in things but in corrupt hearts.

Also, in the confrotation of our ills, we must not disregard Biology. Most of  our ills are a basis of biology ,and we cannot disregard what lies within our genes and blood because of this.

The capability of Christ Jesus as the Son of God, as the Word made flesh and as the Blood of the new covenant is the ideal correspondence we must make to break our age long ills, and the more we replace our biological blood with the Blood of the new convenant in Christ, the better it shall be with us. Let us eat His Body and drink His Blood to conquer  many of our primordial ills.
