
Life, happiness, truth, peace, progress, freedom; these did not start as a man, strong and daring, nor within the realm of great wealth, or in the capacity of a splendid career built on unsurpassed intelligence . It started as a baby, frail, vulnerable, and delicate. And this is truth, it is the perpetual face of liberation.

Today, if our capitalist consumerist society but know what brings happiness, if the advocates of the culture of deaths - in abortion, wars and egomania- but know what brings authentic freedom. If the 'rat racers' for wealth to the detriment of life but know that true peace starts with a child, continues with children and rests in our resolve for life against death.

This position starts in our decision to have babies if married, not to abort when pregnant , to care for kids against an overt pursuit of wealth. We live within a culture that wars between children and desires for wealth, between life and death, between this freedom eternal and perpetual slavery.

Look upon the face of this baby born today and decide. Wishing you all a wonderful happy Christmas.