Mary as ARC. (Awareness, Relationship, Career)
As Awareness... Revelations chapter 12 started with: "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven...". It was mighty and wonderful, it engages all our clarity. The sign that was promised clandestinely to Ahab in the book of Isiah has made its full introduction here in all its clarity. Hitherto much about it has been hidden. But here it comes as something great and wonderful. The sign that came initially weak and hidden in Luke is now seen clearly and powerful in the end times. The great intervention of God in history is made known, and she controls the cosmos: she is a woman, her rainment is the sun, her footstool is the moon and she has the stars as her crown...  As Relationship... Revelations 12:7 simply says: And there was war in heaven....When Love and Lights gets introduced, hatred and darkness revolts, a sort of action and reaction. To dare to love is a call to war, and this provocation comes about because the Light and His brothers have simply come to reclaim that which was theirs, and this is the whole purpose of mission: love. As in Romans 8:22 which saw creation travailing in pain, so also the woman travaileth Rev12:2 to bring forth the sons of God. The source of this Love on earth, these sons of God and the complete capacity to defeat the evil one in this war is she who is fair as the moon and bright as the sun,because she is terrible to evil as an army set in battle array!(Songs of Solomon 6:10)  As Career... Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth...Mathew 5:5. The sign of God is more thana sign, it is reality. This woman clothed with the sun,, with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars is the earth. Planet earth is glorious for it shows her mastery and reign over the other planets, cosmos and the entire universe. We are the world, the earth, and the source of this inheritance of the earth is Mary. The woman described in Revelations is the earth, the meek Mary who has gained this inheritance through her complete docility. She is the real earth, and we the church, together with her. Th earth that we misuse through environmental degradation and polution. This earth, of which the Preacher calls vanity upon vanity, because she is truly nothing, but a nothing to be respected, because out of that nothingness has come something.This earth, which has returned to dust in Eve has become a quickening Spirit in Mary